Had class at the Forum and a great week of weather. It was nice to relax in Villa Borghese and walk around the park. Of course my camera would break a few days into the trip so I've been taking pictures as if I had a disposable without a view finder. It will work until mi madre let me uses hers.
(Picture of Garden at Villa Andriana)
Friday I went to Tivoli and saw Hedrians Villa and some amazing gardens at Villa Andriana. This past weekend was our first excursion. Saturday morning we ventured to Florence (Firenze). Once we arrived we didn't think we would need our passports, well that was not the case. After trying to figure out how to get some passports to check in the hotel we went up to the room. Not bad except for the great multitasking bathroom. It included a shower head and drain in the middle of the bathroom with a toilet and sink, so basically you can brush your teeth, while taking a shower, all awhile relieving yourself. We headed out to see the sites of Firenze and walked up Il Duomo. Once to the top after a workout we were at the top of the city. Awesome views and a great success to be able to climb to the top. We walked around through the markets and saw the replica of David (not the original though).
What a coincidence that there was a gelato festival that weekend, therefore when at a gelato festival...I tried Limoncello, Menta (Mint), Cafe Crunk (my favorite and so thug), Fruita di Bosco, and maybe a few others. That night we met up with kids studying there that Monica knew from Penn State and went to a small pub on a side street. Although we passed up clubs that had free shots and great deals, what a priceless experience to play Kings at a bar in Firenze. All the Italians must have thought we had something wrong with us as we all touched the floor for 4 and reached heaven for seven. Overall a fun night.
Next day Monica and I traveled to Pisa. Traveling there was fun that the hotel told us it would be half an hour, uh no it was an hour and 20. We had some straight up Africans that sell knock offs sit basically on us half way through the ride. As they stared at us I couldn't help myself as the one picked his nose on me. Only memories will be made of this trip that includes the most awkward moments. Everything was closed but the tower was a great site. After taking a lot of fun pictures holding up the tower and pushing it down we decided to have a piece of pizza in Pisa why not. Traveling back we met back up with the others and relaxed around the city. We watched a girl sing opera that gave me chills. Singing some of my favorite Italian songs I bought a CD to burn for everyone on my arrival back. She was truly amazing with an accordion player as background music. Our weekend was fun but too short.
This week is classes and finally getting settled with everything. Although I can get everything really cheap at the grocery store, for ex: bread, snacks, drinks, lasagna, etc. for only 11 euro everything else in this country is so expensive. I've spent almost half of what I brought in a week. After having perhaps too much time spending euros well see if the rest will last for another 5 weeks. its budget time.
My 21st is in less than a week and Den Wu is coming Thursday, so it shall be an adventure. Since I have a metro/bus pass starting June 1st, it will be easier to go out and see everything I haven't seen so far.
Theres always plenty more, this is just what I remembered. Pictures can be seen on facebook, slowly I am putting them up because of my camera being broken.
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